Sunday, October 30, 2011


Yes, he DID win the pot! Second place was his honey :D

Ocean's Eleven?

Casino Royale, baby!

Cupcake tower :)

I sure do love my friends... they get my humor, and I get theirs! :P

And the gag gifts keep on coming!

Glacier Brewhouse with some of my city gals for some DELICIOUS peanut butter pie!

Celebrating 27 years of life!

Money, money... yea!
"Life dealt us a good hand."
So, this is the second year that I have celebrated my birthday while in Chevak. For the other two years, I happened to be in the city for one reason or another. I am all about celebrating birthdays-- usually I even have a countdown (got it from my mama)! :P Since it is SO expensive for me to fly back out of the village to Anchorage, I have decided that I most likely won't be walking for my graduation. Instead, some family and friends are planning on celebrating with me in Vegas after the school year is over! This being the case, and the fact that I LOVE themed parties, I decided to have a casino-themed bday party for my 27th! It was SUCH a good time. Lots of laughter, despite the fact that I didn't win the poker game... darn Kings!

As I was thinking of this new year of life, I was thinking of all the life lessons that I have had thus far and how thankful I am for them. Some people have been in my life that have truly blessed me, others I believe were put there to be my sandpaper and help polish me up. Regardless, I really am thankful. I feel so fortunate that the good Lord has given me eyes of discernment, a heart of compassion, a desire to learn, and so many longings that I seek on a daily basis.

I am imperfect. I am not always approachable. I don't always understand why people can't see things the way I see them. I can be quick to speak. I could probably go on (and, maybe you could, too!)  ;) But, the awesome thing is that the great man upstairs has a plan for me and always has. The older I get, the more I learn to take time to reflect, to absorb, to seek a deeper answer, and to find out how I can be a better me today than I was yesterday. This alone is a true gift... I couldn't ask for much more.

Today, I am so glad for where I am. Even more so, I am super grateful for the people in my life who have cheered me on to get where I am today, and who encourage me to keep going after my heart's desires. I am one blessed young lady. Thank you for being a part of my life-- if you are reading this, I thank you! Here's to year #27!

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