Friday, October 29, 2010

Mario & Luigi in VAK

First quarter has come and gone and parent-teacher conferences were enjoyable! I got to spend time really talking with a lot of my parents. It was fun because there were a few parents I didn't know, but I got to know... and then there were quite a few parents who I already knew which was really nice, too. I cannot tell you how much I delighted in parents telling me about the things they already knew their child is learning in school because s/he talks about it at home! That makes for a happy teacher! One parent told me that her son asked if what they were watching on television was fiction or non-fiction... how awesome! And, I love that the parents share things like this with me... gave me a big, fat smile.

Today we celebrated Halloween at school, which is pretty much a norm here. My mom sent me all of our old Halloween costumes so my kiddos got to play dress-up with them today. They took such great care of them and shared so nicely. My students are always working hard so I really love when we can do these kind of silly, laid-back activities. I will never lose sight of the importance of imagination, fun, and enjoyment for young children. Some of my friends from elementary and middle school messaged me and told me that they remember coming to our house when we were younger and trying on all of these costumes! Fun to think of all the memories that have been made in these costumes over the years. This year, a good friend of mine out here dressed as Luigi and I dressed as Mario. The students all over the school know who they are which made them pretty fun costumes. We are going to have to think of something fun for next year ;)

Tomorrow is our Halloween Carnival which brings in a huge number of community members. I will be running the duck pond and look forward to seeing all of the kiddos in their excitement!

Next week, November will be here which means Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Before I know it, Christmas vacation will be here! There is much teaching and learning to be done in the next quarter, and I am looking forward to it!

Winter is in the air...

Stay warm,

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