Sunday, April 21, 2013

Acculturation vs Assimilation

Throughout my studies, the works of Lisa Delpit have been near and dear to my heart. When I hear her name, I think of the many writings and research she has completed based around the idea of acculturation and of preparing educators to teach in a world of ethnic, linguistic, and cultural diversity. As I am reading a book called Comprehension Going Forward (Heinemann, 2011), I have come across one of Delpit's quotes:

"Being able to function in academic circles doesn't mean one has to give up one's home identity, language, or values" (1996)

Read in context, this quote is speaking to acculturation versus assimilation. Delpit is an advocate for integrating our students' cultures into the classroom as a means of creating a richer, more applicable, more appropriate educational experience (culturally responsive teaching, if you will). I could analyze this piece more deeply in relation to the classroom, but this particular quote doesn't stand out to me in that regard at the moment. Instead, I am struck on a different level.

As people, if we do not know who we are... our convictions, our passions, our roots... our identity... we are so liable to act like chameleons--  changing to match the environment surrounding us. "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything." Wow. How true is this. It speaks right to Delpit's quote. Perhaps, this is why she is so passionate about preserving one's culture. Without being strong in who you are, you are distanced from your identity... making you vulnerable and susceptible to anything and everything. A weed constantly changing in the direction of the passing wind...

If you know who you are and what you stand for, you are likely to offer your attributes as a contribution to the greater whole, rather than sacrificing who you are for the sake of fitting into one part. We all have something to offer... what are you offering? Embrace and discover who you are... there is beauty in identity.

Love it. Thank you, Lisa Delpit!

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