Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010

It is that time of year... out with the old and in with the new! I got back to Chevak yesterday, and am SOOO glad to be home. Though I am from Anchorage and Dad was from Southeast AK... this is where my heart is the happiest right now. This will be my first New Year's celebration in VAK and I am very excited! Fireworks, good friends, and fun await us! This time of year always makes me miss my dad, as we lost him to Hep C six years ago this evening/tomorrow. He was a rock in my life for sure. And, I was, without a doubt, a daddy's girl. I had a good cry for him the other night, missing him immensely. I know that he would think it is so neat that I am teaching and living in Chevak... he would love it here. One thing dad was always really good about was telling us girls how proud he was of us... those words were lasting. This week I drove into Eagle River for the first time in a long time... many of my memories of my dad were out there, as that is where he and my grandma lived in his last years... and, that is where he passed away. It was hard, and weird. I had a good visit with a good friend, but I would just as soon not drive into that town anymore... it was hard. So, don't be sad for me but think of him on this beautiful evening.

I cannot believe the school year is already half way over... it is just flying by! I completed both of my grad courses with As this semester, which is a very good feeling. I will start the other two here in a couple of weeks and then I will have my much needed summer break of NO SCHOOL :) After that, just one more course and my research project... I'm getting close!

2010 has been a very good year. I have some of the greatest friends all over the world, and they make my life that much more beautiful. My family means a lot to me, and I am very thankful that we got to spend good times together over this holiday break. Someday, I am determined to get my mom to fly out here for a visit... wish me luck, she hates flying! Lol.

I guess this is my year in review. Basically, I am just so thankful for all that I have in my life. It just gets better and better. Happy New Year, everyone... pics to come after the night ;)


  1. I just love you Misty. You are always so encouraging. I am glad that you are happy, and wish you more happiness!

  2. Thanks, Claire Bear. Love ya, too! I am every so thankful for the life that I have. Thanks for reading and commenting ;) Glad you have been a part of my life all these years.


Thanks for keeping up with me! (;