Monday, January 16, 2012


Well, it is crunch time... just about! I am officially enrolled in my grad school Project. This should be my last semester of grad school, as long as I work hard to meet deadlines and present my best documentation. My GAC offered the thought of blogging my project experience, and I have debated just how I would like to do so. If all else, I figured I would share with you what it is that I will be focusing on in the next couple of months.

For those of you who have been wondering, my program is Cross-Cultural Studies (with an emphasis on Alaska Native Education). For my grad project, I decided that I wanted to create an orientation video for future district applicants. The reason this came to be is because I have had a strong desire to prepare teachers as best as possible for their teaching experience here in Chevak, Alaska. Though I can provide a huge amount of information and personal experience, no one can fully understand what it means to live and teach out here until they do so (particularly if they have never taught in rural Alaska).

The goal of this project is that by having more information about our community, applicants will be somewhat more prepared as to what it would be like to live and work for our district. At the completion of this project, the administration can choose to use the video if they wish.

So  far, I am really enjoying my one-on-one time interviewing my colleagues. It is difficult to find time throughout our days, so that has been a bit of a challenge. However, I am really enjoying going through my footage and photos from over the years. It is hard to believe that next year will be my fifth year teaching in Chevak. I am hoping to capture my experiences in a productive and meaningful way, though it is important to me to be as real as possible-- not to paint a picture through rose-colored glasses. Each school year has most definitely brought challenges, along with moments that will always create a feeling of nostalgia.

The temperatures have been rather cold here lately, but we are up to two degrees fahrenheit today! While it is a little warmer, I will be conducting a bit of filming outside... brrr! :)

Please send your good juju my way as I take on this project and put it altogether for its finale. My hopes are to have it completed by March and to be able to graduate in May (prayers are appreciated)! Thank you for your support and interest. It's go big time!

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