Monday, October 17, 2011

Goodbye, Alaska's Rose

October has always been my favorite month... my birthday, Halloween, Grandma Rose's birthday, opals, dividends, the feel of fall in the air... I didn't anticipate going home prior to December this school year, but God had another plan...

On October 3, Grandma Rose turned 82. On October 5, she went to be with the Lord. As my sister stated at the service, "Grandma Rose lead a pretty full and good life." She was very strong. When my mom and stepdad met, Rose and Bud took us in as their own biological grandchildren. Some of my most vivid memories with Grandma Rose were: Christmas Eve opening gifts at their house downstairs (Christmas music playing, lots of wrapping paper and gift bags, laughter, love, bags of loot, family and friends, etc); going with Grandma Rose after school and working diligently on my spelling packets with her help (PS I am a pretty darn good speller these days ;); special "days off" from school to buy a special outfit and have a special one-on-one lunch with her; and, let's not forget my 3rd grade haircut (had to go to Grandma Rose's hair salon... :)

We knew that Grandma Rose was sick and had been fighting illnesses for awhile. Though we are sad to see her go, as the deacon said, "It's time to allow her to go." There seemed to be a common theme from the people who spoke at the service-- Grandma Rose had a purpose to help and to serve others.  She really has a neat life story, having had served in the USAF as a nurse. She met Grandpa Bud while in Athens, Greece, they were engaged in Italy, and had a civil service in Switzerland! :) Feel free to read Rose's obituary below and thank you for your love and support. RIP, "Gma."

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